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13th Sunday of Ordinary Time B
June 28, 2015

Study of the Readings

Ed. by
Joyce Ann Zimmerman, et al.

• Words, Phrases
• To the point

• First Two Readings

The Word Embodied

Kavanaugh, S. J.

Prophetic Dying

... She attends to the poor, especially of Central and South America. She reveals their faces. She records their voices. But now it is Mev who is poor. ...


Historical Cultural Context

John J. Pilch

Jesus the Healer

Jesus definitely healed all who wanted to be healed. Healing is the restoration of meaning to people's lives no matter what their physical condition might be.


from the
Early Church

Peter Chrysologus

“My daughter has just died. Do come.” What he means is that the warmth of life still remains, there are still indications that her soul has not departed, her spirit is still in this world ... Come quickly and hold back the departing soul!


Scripture In Depth

Reginald H. Fuller

The woman’s action in touching the healer’s garment suggests that she thought of Jesus as theios aner (“divine man”). This aspect is enhanced by Luke, who adds that Jesus knew that power (dynamis) had gone out of him when the woman touched him.

