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15th Sunday of Ordinary Time A
July 13, 2014

Study of the Readings

Ed. by
Joyce Ann Zimmerman, et al.

• Words, Phrases
• To the point

• First Two Readings

The Word Embodied

Kavanaugh, S. J.

The Problem of Evil

We are inherently deficient and wanting, inescapably vulnerable. Such is the pain of the earth. Yet the sufferings of time, Paul writes, are nothing compared to the glory revealed in us. There is futility in our being only if our being is all there is.


Historical Cultural Context

John J. Pilch

The “Inside” Story

The difference between Americans and their Mediterranean ancestors in the faith is that Americans generally seek to avoid face-to-face confrontation. Hostility and competition take place behind the scenes, out of sight.


Thoughts from the
Early Church

Gregory the Great

The Lord himself deigned to explain what he had said, so that you would know that a hidden meaning is to be sought also in those passages which he did not wish to interpret himself.


Scripture In Depth

Reginald H. Fuller

There was much frustration in Jesus’ ministry. ... Jesus is confident, nevertheless, that his ministry will result in the eventual triumph of God’s kingdom.

