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Other Ideas for Sunday
Twenty-third Sunday
of Ordinary Time A
September 10, 2017

Ideas for General Intercessions

These ideas are designed to be starting points for the prayers of a particular community of faith.

Joe Milner

For the Church: that we may be a community that continues Christ’s mission of evangelizing and reconciling those who are estranged

For the grace of tough love: that we may speak the truth lovingly and honestly to those who are injuring themselves or others and be willing to hear the truth spoken to us

For the gift of listening: that the Spirit will open our minds and hearts to hear what others say and to listen to the word of God spoken deep within our hearts

For Pope Francis: that his visit to Columbia will strengthen the peace efforts and promote unity and healing

For an end to violence in our cities and neighborhoods: that God will touch hearts so that all will value the dignity of each person and seek ways to help one another fulfill each person’s potential

For a new spirit of reconciliation: that we may have the grace to forgive those who have injured us and the courage to work together again

For healing of racial injustice: that Christians may work to restore relationships in communities, promote the dignity of each individual and advocate for the truth about the consequences of structures and policies

For Christian Unity: that all who follow Christ may form a bond of dedication as we work to bring hope and healing to the world

For all who are recovering from Hurricane Harvey: that God will ease their suffering, give them courage, and guide them to the resources that they need

For public safety and relief workers: that God will give them strength of spirit, words of hope for those in pain, and protection from harm

For greater care for the earth: that God will help us to respect and be responsible stewards of the creation that God has entrusted to us

For all who are ill: that God will comfort them, strengthen them, and raise them up

For all in religious education or sacramental preparation programs: that God will lead them into a deeper relationship with Jesus and to a greater understanding of discipleship

For the members of Congress: that they may work diligently and effectively to address the issues which burden our society

For a healing of the nations: that world leaders may decrease threats and find alternatives to violence in resolving disputes

For all who have died, particularly victims of terrorism: that God will fill them with life and give consolation and peace to those who grieve them

Joe Milner
Joe Milner coordinates RCIA and is a member of the Liturgy Planning Team for St. Francis Xavier College Church on Saint Louis University campus in St. Louis, Missouri. For more information about St. Francis Xavier go to:
Art by Martin Erspamer, OSB
from Religious Clip Art for the Liturgical Year (A, B, and C).
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