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Other Ideas for Sunday
Twenty-eighth Sunday
of Ordinary Time A
October 15, 2017

Ideas for General Intercessions

These ideas are designed to be starting points for the prayers of a particular community of faith.

Joe Milner

For the Church: that we may recognize God’s invitation to life and service and respond generously with dedication and commitment

For the grace of openness: that we may welcome and offer hospitality to all who enter our communities

For awareness: that God will open our eyes to all the blessings that are in our lives and stir our hearts to greater gratitude for the privileges and opportunities that we have

For a spirit of contentment: that we may be satisfied whether we have an abundance or a lack as we recognize that God loves us and is with us

For fruitfulness of our faith: that our lives may manifest a wedding garment made of deeds of justice and acts of charity that proclaim the goodness of God to all

For a fuller participation in the Eucharistic Liturgy: that we may draw strength for our daily lives from our communion with Christ and one another in our celebration each week

For greater trust in the providence of God: that we may be confident of God’s love that will supply for all our needs

For all who are recovering from natural disasters: that God will give them hope and stir the hearts of many to assist them in their time of need

For all who are preparing for marriage: that they may grow in love for each other and find Christ in one another

For all who hunger for the bread of life and cannot receive: that we may bring Christ to them in our words and deeds of love

For all who minister to the dying: that chaplains, family members, and healthcare workers may be instruments of love and compassion for those approaching death

For a greater respect for human life, particularly for the terminally ill: that God will help them as they journey into eternal life and help us to appreciate and support them

For all who serve our nation and our local communities: that God will keep them from harm, give them wisdom and guide them in protecting others

For all who have been touched by violence: that God will heal their pain, ease their fear and fill their hearts with peace

For all who are grieving: that God will wipe away their tears and console them with God’s presence

For all who are persecuted for their faith and for all refugees: that God will shield them from harm and guide them to supportive communities

For Peace in our cities and communities: that God will help us to understand the pain of those who have suffered injustice and give us courage to work for reconciliation

For all who have died, particularly those killed in Las Vegas: that God will welcome into the eternal banquet of God’s love

Joe Milner
Joe Milner coordinates RCIA and is a member of the Liturgy Planning Team for St. Francis Xavier College Church on Saint Louis University campus in St. Louis, Missouri. For more information about St. Francis Xavier go to:
Art by Martin Erspamer, OSB
from Religious Clip Art for the Liturgical Year (A, B, and C).
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