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Other Ideas for Sunday
Second Sunday of Easter A
Divine Mercy Sunday
April 23, 2017

Ideas for General Intercessions

These ideas are designed to be starting points for the prayers of a particular community of faith.

Joe Milner

For the Church: that our parish may offer an uncompromising witness to Christ by being united in mind and spirit as we worship, study and serve the needs of others

For a spirit of reverence: that as we break the bread and share the cup, we may recognize more fully the Risen Lord in our midst

For all Christians: that by devoting ourselves to listening to the Scriptures and growing in prayer, we may promote greater unity and cooperation in the Body of Christ

For this assembly of faith: that we, who break the bread together in Christ’s name, may support one another in our journeys of faith

For Pope Francis: that God will guide and protect him on his trip to Egypt and help him be an instrument of healing and peace

For all the baptized, particularly the newly baptized: that we, who have experienced a new birth in water and the Spirit, may offer convincing witness to Christ’s resurrection with our words and service to those in need

For all who struggle with faith or who lack belief: that God’s love and presence may become known to them and bring light to their life’s journey

For the grace to be peacemakers and instruments of forgiveness: that we may help others experience the freeing and renewing power of forgiveness and reconciliation

For the grace to forgive: that flowing from God’s forgiveness of us, we may forgive those who have harmed or wronged us

For all confessors: that God will give them wisdom to encourage penitents and help them to be signs of God’s love and mercy

For all who are bound by sinfulness: that God may break their bonds and open a new path of life that reveals love, kindness and mercy to them

For all who are in need; for refugees, the poor, the homeless, and those who are ill: that the Risen Lord will give them hope, healing and new life

For all who suffer from violence, particularly the Christians of Egypt and the Middle East: that God will protect them from harm, heal their wounds and help them to give witness to God’s love for all

For greater appreciation of God’s creation: that we may recognize God’s love and presence manifested in creation and be good stewards of God’s gifts

For Peace: that Christ’s gift of peace may settle in the hearts of all the human family and guide us away from violence and revenge

For all who have died: that they may recognize the Risen Lord and share in Christ’s life forever

Joe Milner

Joe Milner coordinates RCIA and is a member of the Liturgy Planning Team for St. Francis Xavier College Church on Saint Louis University campus in St. Louis, Missouri. For more information about St. Francis Xavier go to:
Art by Martin Erspamer, OSB
from Religious Clip Art for the Liturgical Year (A, B, and C).
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