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Spirituality of the Readings

John Foley, S. J.

Do You Believe?

Let us look at some of the doubters, especially in the Gospels.


In Exile

Ron Rolheiser, OMI

Dark Nights of Faith in Our Lives

When the memoirs of Mother Theresa were published they revealed that for the last 50 years of her life she had struggled painfully to feel God's presence in her life.


Student Reflections

Megan Diestelmeier


“If my friends had told me Jesus appeared to them, I would accept it joyfully...”


Glancing Thoughts

Eleonore Stump

Victory is Ours

In his cross, Christ conquered sin. In his resurrection, he conquered death. All the evil of the world and all penalties of evil, including death, are overcome by the victory of the Lord.


The Perspective of Justice

Gerald Darring

One Heart, One Mind

The Easter sacraments of initiation have called us to become a community of God’s people.


Discussion Questions

Anne Osdieck

If you have faith that “Jesus is the Christ and is begotten by God,” what can you conquer?


A Poem
to Sit With

J. Janda

You get too

you forget
you are learning
to walk
