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Working with the Word
Thirty-Second Sunday
of Ordinary Time
November 11, 2018

Focusing the Gospel

Key words and phrases: Beware of the scribes, poor widow, put in more, contributed all she had, her whole livelihood

To the point: What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? Jesus tells us when he contrasts the behavior of the self-important scribes and the rich with the action of a poor and seemingly insignificant widow. Without calculating the cost to herself, the widow gave “all she had.” Disciples, too, give all they have without counting the cost, calculating self-gain, or seeking attention. The “whole livelihood” disciples give is their very selves.

Connecting the Gospel
to the First Reading: The First Reading is really about more than a widow who risks the last bit of her flour and oil to respond to Elijah’s need. The story depicts the hundredfold God returns to those who are so exceptionally generous.
to experience: The law of survival tells us to watch out for ourselves first. Jesus condemns those who live by this law (“receive a very severe condemnation”) and praises those who choose to give even out of their little.
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Living Liturgy: Spirituality, Celebration, and Catechesis
for Sundays and Solemnities
Year B - 2018.
Joyce Ann Zimmerman, CPPS;
Kathleen Harmon, SND de N;
and John W. Tonkin.
Living Liturgy 2011

Liturgical Press

Thank you to Liturgical Press who makes this page possible
For more information about Living Liturgy 2017 click picture above.
Art by Martin Erspamer, OSB
from Religious Clip Art for the Liturgical Year (A, B, and C).
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