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Ideas for General Intercessions

These ideas are designed to be starting points for the prayers of a particular community of faith.

Joe Milner

For the Church: that our hearts may be an authentic dwelling place for God and that God will guide us in bringing God’s presence to all whom we encounter

For the grace of trust: that as we face life’s obstacles, God will help us trust that nothing is impossible for God

For a listening heart: that our hearts may be stilled and quieted so that we may hear the Word of God as it comes to us in word, people and experience each day

For all believers: that we, like Mary, may ponder God’s invitations and give our full yes to all that God asks of us so that God’s will may be realized for all the human family

For hope in the face of fear: that as we recognize the fears in our hearts, we may be calmed and strengthened by God’s loving faithfulness

For all who are recovering from wildfires and natural disasters: that God will heal their pain and give them strength, and help all who are fighting the fires

For all who are pregnant: that they may know God's presence and strength as they await the birth of their child and that these children may be healthy and strong

For all who are perplexed or confused: that they may trust God’s love for them and be open to the unexpected ways in which God will fulfill dreams and promises

For all who are waiting for God to overturn oppression and injustice, particularly persecuted Christians, people in refugee camps and victims of violence: that God will strengthen them and bring justice and renewal for them

For all who are lonely, particularly those who are home bound or who live in institutions: that Christ's presence may fill their emptiness and bring them hope

For all who are traveling: that they may have safe and uninterrupted journeys that lead to good visits with family and friends

For the Christians of the Holy Land: that they may find ways to witness to the Good News of God’s saving love and work with all their neighbors to build a peace based on justice and respect

For all who are away from home, particularly members of the military and relief workers: that God will keep them safe, help them fulfill their duties bring them home quickly

For Peace: that the advent of the Prince of Peace may enlighten minds and hearts to resolve disputes with words and deeds of compassion particularly in Africa and the Middle East

For all who have died: that the coming of Christ may open for them the eternal joy and peace of God’s presence forever


Joe Milner
Joe Milner coordinates RCIA and is a member of the Liturgy Planning Team for St. Francis Xavier College Church on Saint Louis University campus in St. Louis, Missouri. For more information about St. Francis Xavier go to:
Art by Martin Erspamer, OSB
from Religious Clip Art for the Liturgical Year (A, B, and C).
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