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Focusing the Gospel

Key words and phrases: did not find the body, he has been raised, rise on the third day, burial cloths alone, went home amazed

To the point: The disciples “did not believe” the women’s announcement about what they had found. Peter, not relying on the women’s testimony, went to the tomb to see for himself and was amazed. What amazed Peter? The empty tomb? The burial cloths lying there without a body? Or, perhaps, the hope against hope that Jesus’ promise that he would “rise on the third day” was realized. Peter’s amazement points to a soon-to-be-fulfilled expectation that he would encounter an alive Jesus. Our own Easter amazement must also bring us to an expectation of new Life through an encounter with the risen Lord. The women “went to the tomb” to seek the dead but found the Living. So must we.

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Living Liturgy: Spirituality, Celebration, and Catechesis
for Sundays and Solemnities
Year B - 2018.
Joyce Ann Zimmerman, CPPS;
Kathleen Harmon, SND de N;
and John W. Tonkin.
Living Liturgy 2011

Liturgical Press

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Art by Martin Erspamer, OSB
from Religious Clip Art for the Liturgical Year (A, B, and C).
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