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Spiritual Reflections on Sunday's Readings
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Juned 9, 2024
Spirituality of the Readings

John Foley, SJ


Jesus is preaching, but his “relatives” come to “seize” him because “he is out of his mind.” Picture it. Who are these relatives? They seem to be identified as “his mother and his brothers”!

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In Exile

Ron Rolheiser

On Not Committing the Original Sin

Satan is the Prince of Lies and Jesus makes it clear that, among all sins, failure to acknowledge the truth is far and away the most dangerous.

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Glancing Thoughts

Eleonore Stump

Fear and Forgiveness

Wouldn’t you fear that if you faced God, your sins would just seem worse because you would see them in the light of God’s holiness?

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The Perspective of Justice

Gerald Darring

The Source of Our Deepest Commitment

Jesus became “mediator of a new covenant” by shedding his own blood. We follow Jesus into this new covenant by offering ourselves up totally for the well-being of our brother and sister humans.

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Discussion Questions

Anne Osdieck

God's Will

Who did Adam blame? Who did Eve blame? Can we ourselves blame them that we are not living in the garden of paradise?

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A Poem to
Sit With

J. Janda


If Christ
our earth
can uproot

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