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10th Sunday of Ordinary Time C
June 9, 2013

Study of the Readings

Ed. by
Joyce Ann Zimmerman, et al.

• Words, Phrases
• To the point

• First Two Readings


The Word Engaged

Kavanaugh, S. J.

Triumph over Death

The healings of the prophets, as well as Jesus, are symbolic of a deeper healing. The point cannot be to stave off death. If that were the point, Jesus himself should never have died.


Historical Cultural Context

John J. Pilch

Women in the Mediterran-
ean World

Women in the Mediterranean world must always be under the care of a key man in their lives: father, brother, husband, or son. While women have enormous power in the Mediterranean world, they wield it differently and in different spheres than do men.


Thoughts from the
Early Church

Augustine of Hippo

Our Lord Jesus Christ wished us to understand that what he did for people's bodies he also did for their souls. He did not work miracles merely for miracles' sake; his object was that his deeds might arouse wonder in the beholders and reveal the truth to those capable of understanding.


Preparing for Sunday

Gillick, S. J.


Recently I have come across a certain word in several different kinds of literature. Hence, it seems to be an “in” word. “Detritus” is the word. It means several kinds of reduced particles of ground-up rock or decaying biological matter.


Scripture In Depth

Reginald H. Fuller

The word of the Lord in the mouth of the prophet is “truth,” that is, it does what it says. Note the biblical meaning of the word "truth." It is not just factual accuracy, nor is it truth in a philosophical sense. It means fidelity—here the fidelity of Yahweh to his promises, a fidelity shown by his acts.

