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Ideas for General Intercessions

These ideas are designed to be starting points for the prayers of a particular community of faith.

Joe Milner

For the Church: that God will help us take up the yoke of Christ and follow him in speaking the truth lovingly, offering forgiveness to those who wrong us and praying for our enemies

For the grace to be childlike: that we may learn dependence upon God and surrender our attempts to control our lives through knowledge, power, or possessions

For a greater appreciation of the Sabbath: that God will show us how to disengage from our busyness and technology so that our minds and spirits can be refreshed through prayer, engaging in relationships, and appreciating nature

For a fuller life in the Spirit: that God will free us from self-absorption and selfishness so that we may allow the Spirit to lead us into a more authentic and virtuous life

For the grace surrender control: that we may let Jesus ease our burdens and journey side by side with him in every event in our lives

For freedom from fear: that God will help us surrender our fear and anxiety into the hands of the One who loves us and strengthen our confidence that God will provide for us in every circumstance

For all who are weary in body, mind or spirit:  that the Spirit will restore strength to the physically exhausted, hope to those who are emotionally worn out, and energy to all who are exhausted through loving service of others

For all who struggle to sleep or with getting rest: that God will free them from worry, help them to trust in God’s providence, and grant them restful sleep

For all who do not believe in God: that the Spirit will lead them into an encounter with the living God and help them to be open to the One who loves them

For legislators and municipal council members: that God will give them wisdom in addressing current challenges, courage to work for the greater good, and openness to new approaches for the good of those whom they serve

For all who are traveling: that God will guide them safely to their destinations and protect them from all harm

For an end to injustice and discrimination: that God will change the hearts and minds of those entrapped in judging people by externals, and help everyone to recognize the God-given dignity of each person

For all who need healing, particularly those with Covid-19: that God’s healing Spirit will ease their suffering, restore them to health, and guide all who are caring for them

For all countries torn by violence and conflict: that God will change hearts, protect the innocent, and bring forth opportunities to resolve conflicts peacefully

[USA] For our nation: that God will guide us in living the values which we proclaim so that all may experience life, liberty, and justice

Joe Milner coordinates RCIA and is a member of the Liturgy Planning Team for St. Francis Xavier College Church on Saint Louis University campus in St. Louis, Missouri. For more information about St. Francis Xavier go to:

Art by Martin Erspamer, OSB
from Religious Clip Art for the Liturgical Year (A, B, and C).
This art may be reproduced only by parishes who purchase the collection in book or CD-ROM form. For more information go to