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Looking More Closely at the Word
16th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Year B
July 21, 2024
Working with the Word

Study of the Readings
ed. by
Joyce Ann Zimmerman,
et al

• Words,     Phrases
To the point
• First Two     Readings
• Experience

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The Word Embodied

John Kavanaugh, SJ

Jesus Not A Boy-O

Shepherding is a daunting and treacherous task, not only for church leaders, but for all parents and every giver of care.

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Historical Cultural Context

John J. Pilch

A Lonely Place

One of Hebrew derivations for “compassion” means “womb.” In the Middle East, compassion is considered a female value and virtue.

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Thoughts from the Early Church


If only in our time such a concourse of faithful listeners would again press round the ministers of the word.

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Let the Scriptures Speak

Hamm, SJ

Shepherding Today

If Jesus risen is the primary shepherd, we have always recognized that the community requires ongoing local and global leaders.

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Scripture In Depth

Reginald H. Fuller

Christians now keep the law because they have been saved by grace, not in order to earn salvation.

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