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Spiritual Reflections on Sunday's Readings
19th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Year A
August 13, 2023
Spirituality of the Readings

John Foley, SJ

Trust in the Lord

Jesus prays into the night, even with gusty wind coming up. I wonder what his prayer was like?

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In Exile

Ron Rolheiser, OMI

The Prayer of Helplessness

Dorothy Day, as you know, wasn’t raised into the faith, but came to it on her own after a certain romance with atheism.

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Glancing Thoughts

Eleonore Stump

Walking on Water

For every Christian, there is a sorrow of the sort Paul expressed, because the sins and failures of one’s life can seem so hard to square with the promises of God.

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The Perspective of Justice

Gerald Darring

Finding God

Elijah thought he would experience God in a strong and heavy wind, or in an earthquake, or in a fire. Instead he found God in “a tiny whispering sound.”

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Discussion Questions

Anne Osdieck

Braving Storms

What do you think would have helped Peter to keep walking? Ignore the wind? Keep his eyes on Jesus? What might give you help now?

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A Poem to
Sit With

J Janda

Sign of the Cross

this is a holy place

it is good to rest here

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