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First Sunday of Lent A
March 9, 2014

Study of the Readings

Ed. by
Joyce Ann Zimmerman, et al.

• Words, Phrases
• To the point

• First Two Readings

The Word Embodied

Kavanaugh, S. J.

Unmasking the Great Deception

Adam and Eve, we are told, had almost everything. The only drawback was the fact that they were creatures of limit. They were good, but not God.


Historical Cultural Context

John J. Pilch


When the voice from heaven identified Jesus at his baptism as “my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased,” all the spirits heard this compliment. Every Mediterranean native knows what must and will happen next.


Thoughts from the
Early Church

Gregory Nazianzen

If the tempter tries to overthrow us through our greed, showing us at one glance all the kingdoms of the world—as if they belonged to him—and demanding that we fall down and worship him, we should despise him, for we know him to be a penniless impostor.


Scripture In Depth

Reginald H. Fuller

As Adam began a history of fallen humankind characterized by sin and death, so Christ began a new history of humankind characterized by acquittal, life, and righteousness.

