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Spiritual Reflections on Sunday's Readings
28th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Year A
October 11, 2020
Spirituality of the Readings

John Foley, SJ

All Good Gifts

“Who says you can’t have it all,” they say. How are we to respond, we who try to be faithful to God and God’s promises?

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In Exile

Ron Rolheiser, OMI

The Many Faces of the Eucharist

There is no adequate explanation of the Eucharist, for the same reason that, in the end, there is no adequate explanation for love.

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Glancing Thoughts

Eleonore Stump

Rich and juicy

Everything shouts at us that if we want to look good and be healthy, the one thing we should be sure to avoid is rich food.

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Gillick, SJ

Praying With

True security will accompany those who receive joyfully the goodness of the Lord.

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The Perspective of Justice

Gerald Darring

The Wedding Banquet

The kingdom has been prepared, and it is coming. Jesus likened it to a wedding banquet to which the invited guests are summoned.

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Discussion Questions

Anne Osdieck


Will the Lord ever test you beyond your capacity? Will he always be with you?

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A Poem to
Sit With

J Janda

our Father

he will not coerce

or force

our love

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