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Working with the Word

Study of the Readings
Ed. by
Joyce Ann Zimmerman, et al.

• Words, Phrases
To the point
• First Two Readings
• Experience

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Let the Scriptures Speak

Hamm, SJ

Being Saved

Luke underscores the fact that the apostles continue the divinely empowered ministry of Jesus soon to be illustrated by the healing of the lame man.

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The Word Embodied

John Kavanaugh, SJ

The Trying of Faith

Perhaps a parent’s greatest love for a child appears more in the hard times than the happy times. Perhaps a friend’s trust is more deeply felt when inclination is otherwise than when it seems effortless.

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Historical Cultural Context

John J. Pilch


Jesus returns once again to the disciples, chiefly to reassure Thomas, and through him all followers who experience difficulty believing without seeing.

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Thoughts from the Early Church

Cyril of Alexandria

We have only to recall Christ’s transfiguration on the mountain in the presence of his holy disciples, to realize that mortal eyes could not have endured the glory of his sacred body had he chosen to reveal it before ascending to the Father.

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Scripture In Depth

Reginald H. Fuller

The whole person—body, soul, and spirit—is subject to decay and death. Christ has broken this subjection; he has burst the bonds of decay and death by his resurrection from the dead.

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