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Ideas for General Intercessions

These ideas are designed to be starting points for the prayers of a particular community of faith.

Joe Milner

For the Church: that we may recognize our need for God and resist relying upon our own efforts to justify ourselves

For growth in prayer: that the Spirit teach us how to pray so that we may deepen our dependency upon God and open us to the length and breadth of God’s merciful kindness

For greater compassion: that we may proclaim the greatness of God and show God’s love and concern for all who face the burdens of life

For the grace of humility: that we may come before God honestly, surrendering our pride, and recognizing the limits of strengths and abilities

For a spirit of gratitude: that we may recognize all our gifts, possessions and opportunities as gifts from God and place each of them in the service of God

For all who are bound by a spirit of self-righteousness: that God will free their hearts, break down the walls of prejudice, and open them to the dignity of each person

For all who are suffering or being oppressed for their Christian faith: that God will comfort and strengthen them and bring them safely through their trial

For greater respect for each person: that God will turn the hearts of all who rely upon violence and bring healing to all who have suffered harm, abuse or neglect

For all leaders of government, nationally, regionally, and municipally: that God will inspire them with new ways to promote the welfare of citizens and the common good

For all who are in need; for the poor, the homeless, the widow, the orphan and those on the margins of society: that God will open our eyes and hearts to their needs and their presence in our communities

For the homebound: that they may experience God with them and support from this Christian community

For all who are recovering from storms, floods or wildfires: that God will give them courage and guide them to the assistance which they need

For all immigrants and refugees: that they may find new homes and enrich these places with their gifts and talents

For all who are bound by drug addiction: that God will break the bonds that hold them, help them to seek assistance and guide them to people who will support and challenge them to live in a new way

For the gift of peace and an end to violence: that God will turn hearts from violence, inspire leaders to start new initiatives and give courage to all who are working for peace

Joe Milner coordinates RCIA and is a member of the Liturgy Planning Team for St. Francis Xavier College Church on Saint Louis University campus in St. Louis, Missouri. For more information about St. Francis Xavier go to:

Art by Martin Erspamer, OSB
from Religious Clip Art for the Liturgical Year (A, B, and C).
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