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Ideas for General Intercessions

These ideas are designed to be starting points for the prayers of a particular community of faith.

Joe Milner

For the Church: that we, who have been created in the image and likeness of God and destined for eternal life with God, may always find joy through our relationship with Christ

For a joyful spirit: that as we recognize the gift of our relationships and the many blessings that God has given us, our hearts may be grateful, and our spirits filled with joy

For freedom of spirit: that God will free us from selfishness, prejudice, and fear so that we may be sisters and brothers to one another

For the growth of reverence: that God will open our eyes so that we may see the presence of God in one another and help us to listen attentively to each other

For a renewal of the gift of the Holy Spirit: that God will stir up the Spirit that has been given to us so that we may announce Good News, share hope, and offer compassionate care for those around us

For a renewal of prayer: that we may recognize how God is communicating with us in every moment and allow our words and deeds to be a response to the love that God has shown us

For all who are held captive whether by economic situations, lack of education, or by addiction: that God will free them and open new opportunities for life, growth, and wholeness

For all who cannot find God: that the lights, hymns, and warm greetings of this season may be a doorway to finding God in all things and recognizing that God is with us

For all who must wait: that God's loving presence will give strength and hope to those who are in isolation, awaiting surgery or the birth of a child, or who are caring for the sick or dying

For a new appreciation of the created world: that we may find God in all things that God has created and rejoice that God is close to us this day

For all public officials: that God will move them to recognize and take action to address the needs of the poor, the homeless, the elderly, and children so that no one will be forgotten in our communities

For all who are suffering economically: that God will guide the unemployed to new work, bring relief to those who face losing their homes, and open new resources for those who do not have enough food

For all who are working to defeat the coronavirus: that God will speed the production of the vaccine, guide those who are distributing it, and help those who are administering it

For all who are ill: that God's healing love may renew and strengthen all who are ill or recovering from surgery

For peace between nations and within cities: that God will turn hearts from violence and bring forth a new springtime of justice and peace in every land

Joe Milner

Joe Milner coordinates RCIA and is a member of the Liturgy Planning Team for St. Francis Xavier College Church on Saint Louis University campus in St. Louis, Missouri. For more information about St. Francis Xavier go to:

Art by Martin Erspamer, OSB
from Religious Clip Art for the Liturgical Year (A, B, and C).
This art may be reproduced only by parishes who purchase the collection in book or CD-ROM form. For more information go to