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Looking More Closely at the Word
Fifth Sunday of Lent C

April 3, 2022
Working with the Word

Study of the Readings
ed. by
Joyce Ann Zimmerman,
et al

• Words,     Phrases
To the point
• First Two     Readings
• Experience

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The Word Engaged

John Kavanaugh, SJ

Resenting Forgiveness

What do we do when we nab the adulterers of the world or the adulterer in our hearts? Do we want to stone them?

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Historical Cultural Context

John J. Pilch

Jesus As Judge

If Jesus urges that the woman be released, he clearly violates the Mosaic Law and proves himself to be an irreligious person.

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Thoughts from the Early Church

Augustine of Hippo

Look at the way our Lord upheld justice without forgoing clemency. He was not caught in the snare his enemies had laid for him; it is they themselves who were caught in it.

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Let the Scriptures Speak

Hamm, SJ

Stunning the Stoners

Is Jesus suggesting that the criminal law and legal punishment can only be administered by sinless people? That would be a remarkably unrealistic proposal.

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Scripture In Depth

Reginald H. Fuller

The third chapter of Philippians is a polemic against Paul’s opponents.

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