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Looking More Closely at the Word
Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time

February 20, 2022
Working with the Word

Study of the Readings
ed. by
Joyce Ann Zimmerman,
et al

• Words,     Phrases
To the point
• First Two     Readings
• Experience

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The Word Engaged

John Kavanaugh, SJ

Open to the Spirit

Christians have learned to distract ourselves with minutiae while we dismiss the revolutionary import of Christ's words.

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Historical Cultural Context

John J. Pilch


Jesus is asking the elite to behave toward strangers just as they would behave toward members of their own household. He is urging the haves to treat have-nots as if they were family.

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Thoughts from the Early Church

Augustine of Hippo

Many people seek to discover God's mercy and faithfulness from the sacred books, and yet, when their learning is done, they live for their own sakes and not for God's.

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Let the Scriptures Speak

Hamm, SJ


David and Jesus have more in common than may at first be apparent.

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Scripture In Depth

Reginald H. Fuller

The biblical ethic is essentially one of response to God’s treatment of his people—this is true both in the Old Testament and in the New.

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