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Looking More Closely at the Word
Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time C

February 27, 2022
The Word Engaged

John Kavanaugh, SJ

Actions and Orientations

Like the fruit of a tree, the words of a person disclose the kind of mind the person has.

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Historical Cultural Context

John J. Pilch


One way of identifying hypocrites in the ancient world was to notice inconsistency in behavior.

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Thoughts from the Early Church

Cyril of Alexandria

If the Master does not judge, why are you judging? He came not to judge the world, but to take pity on it.

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Let the Scriptures Speak

Hamm, SJ

Talking The Walk

For better or worse, our speech reveals who and what we are. Sirach demonstrates this in three sharp images.

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Scripture In Depth

Reginald H. Fuller

Paul argues that belief in Christ’s resurrection carries with it a corollary belief in the resurrection of the dead, and vica versa.

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