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Ideas for General Intercessions

These ideas are designed to be starting points for the prayers of a particular community of faith.

Joe Milner

For the Church: that we may recognize our calling to be daughters and sons of God and empowered by the Holy Spirit manifest God’s love and compassion through our words and deeds

For understanding: that we may learn from Jesus how to be fully human and place all our gifts and talents into God’s service

For a renewal of the gift of the Holy Spirit: that God will stir up the gift of Spirit within us, make us strong in our faith and dynamic in love

For a deepening of prayer in our lives: that, like Jesus, we may grow in our relationship with God through prayer and listening

For courage: that God will strengthen us to bear the challenges of daily life and thus give witness to the faithfulness of God

For all who have been baptized in our community, particularly those during this last year: that they may be faithful disciples of Jesus and continue to grow in their knowledge and love of God

For all catechumens: that they may hear God’s call, allow God to prepare a way in their hearts, and grow in their relationship with God each day.

For all who have responded to God’s call to ministry: that God will strengthen them, make fruitful their service, and empower them with the Holy Spirit

For all who need a shepherd’s care: that God will provide for those lacking food or heat, guide refugees and those fleeing violence, and bring freedom to those unjustly detained

For all who are making vocational choices: that the Spirit will guide them in responding to God’s invitation to priestly, religious, married, or single life and help them to share their love and gifts fully

For all who have experienced abuse or discrimination: that they may hear God’s affirmation that they are beloved and experience healing for their bodies, minds, and spirits

For the new Congress: that God grant them wisdom in addressing the needs of the nation and in developing a budget that will promote the dignity and safety of each person

For all who are ill: that God will give peace to those preparing for surgery, strength to those enduring a long recovery, and hope to those with life threatening conditions

For all young adults: that they may respond to God’s invitations to build up the Christian community and participate in the mission of the church

For a new dawning of peace and reconciliation: that those who strive for peace may not tire and that God will open new opportunities for opponents to recognize the good in one another