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Focusing the Gospel

Key words and phrases: filled with expectation, he will baptize you, Holy Spirit, beloved Son, well pleased
To the point: Because of the power of John's baptism, the people's expectation is that they have found the Christ in John. John points the people, however, to Jesus, who will bring an even more powerful baptism. The Holy Spirit descended on Jesus, so does the Holy Spirit descend upon us; Jesus is the beloved Son, so are we beloved children; God was well pleased with Jesus, so is God well pleased with us. To what does such a baptism call us? What do we expect? What does God expect?
Connecting the Gospel
to the Second Reading: The Second Reading spells out what baptismal living looks like: "reject godless ways and worldly desires and to live temperately, justly, and devoutly." This is the rebirth to which God calls us.
to experience: Over time and experience we grow to maturity as human beings, appreciating more and more fully both our roots and our potential. So, too, with baptism. We grow over time into understanding its meaning and its power.

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Living Liturgy: Spirituality, Celebration, and Catechesis
for Sundays and Solemnities
Year C - 2019.
Brian Schmisek, Diana Macalintal, and Katy Beedle Rice
Living Liturgy 2011

Liturgical Press

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Art by Martin Erspamer, OSB
from Religious Clip Art for the Liturgical Year (A, B, and C).
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