These ideas are designed to be starting points for the prayers of a particular community of faith.
Joe Milner
For the Church: that we may know this night (day) how close God is to us, how blest we are, and how much God loves us
For all peoples on the earth: that God’s gift of peace will bring forth goodwill; reconciliation, forgiveness, and an end to terrorism
For an outpouring of God's favor in our time; that the Spirit will rekindle a childlike spirit of wonder and awe within us and an openness to all the opportunities that God offers us
For Pope Francis and all who serve the church: that God will inspire them in leading us to deeper faith and greater love during this Christmas season
For a greater awareness of our true identity: that we may recognize our call to be children of God and manifest in our lives the deeds of God’s love and compassion
For a spirit of connectedness: that as the birth of Jesus united God with humanity, we may grow in our relationship with God and with all who walk the human journey with us
For all gathered here: that we, like the angels, may announce the good news of God’s saving love and be instruments of peace to all we meet this day
For healing of all fear: that the angel's message, Fear Not, may free all the human family from the bonds of fear and impel us to live boldly
For all who are experiencing darkness through isolation, depression, grief, or violence: that the light of Christ may scatter the darkness and bring hope to their hearts
For Christian unity: that the vulnerability of the Christ Child may lead to a breaking down of the walls and misunderstandings that divide the Body of Christ
For all who will be opening gifts: that we may recognize how loved and blest we are and share our gifts with all who enter our lives
For all who have no gifts this night (day), particularly children: that God will bless them with an experience of being truly loved and appreciated
For all children: that they may be welcomed into this world with joy, nurtured and cared for as they grow, and encouraged to dream great things
For all who are new parents: that they may recognize the gift of God that they hold and faithfully nurture the gifts and talents that God has given their child
For reconciliation in families: that God will heal old wounds and help us to recognize the gift of each person
For all who are suffering: that that God will heal the sick, give hope to those recovering from disasters, lead the homeless to safe places, and help refugees to find new homes
For all who are assisting others this Christmas season: that God will guide and protect healthcare workers, public safety officials, and utility workers
For all who are traveling or away from home this night (day), particularly members of the military and those who volunteering in remote places: that God will guide their movements, preserve them in love, and bring them home safely
For our nation: that God will preserve public peace and guide leaders to new cooperation in addressing the needs of the poor and vulnerable in our society
For peace throughout the world: that the Prince of Peace may bring an end to violence in Ukraine, South Sudan, Gaza, and Israel and lead all peoples to greater cooperation in overcoming poverty and disease