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Readings: At the Vigil Mass
Readings: Mass During the Night
Readings: Mass at Dawn
Readings: Mass During the Day

Come, let us adore him.
(Introductory Prayers)

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Christmas Day
John 1:1-18 (long form); John 1:1-5, 9-14 (short form)

She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

What is Love?
Where does it come from?
Who can create it?

Before anything else,
 Love is there,
 wanting to

So in Love’s own image
and likeness, we
were created.

But our Creator knew we couldn’t
 walk this path alone. So
Love came as a babe
to Bethlehem and
he walked
with us,

holding our hands,
teaching us all
the ways of

can only
stand in awe-struck silence
and wonder at this love
that is beyond all

* Rahner, Encounters with Silence

Mass During the Night
Isaiah 9:1-6

You have brought them abundant joy and great rejoicing.

Darkness took us. But now light is come.
The yoke is smashed and broken,
as is the taskmaster’s rod.
Mary gave us her son.

Upon his shoulders power rests.
    His life is vast and forever peaceful––
now wrapped in soft clothes,
cuddled in a manger.

God-Hero, Father-Forever
Prince of Peace,

let us adore him


Christmas Dawn and Christmas Day
Isaiah 62:11-12 and Hebrews 1:1-6

For to which of the angels did God ever say:
“You are my son; this day I have I begotten you”?

our ancestors
God spoke in various and partial ways.


God spoke directly through his Son, who is the imprint of
his being, the radiance of his glory, through whom he
created the universe and by whom he sustains
all things in the word. Oh yes, he took
down the wall when he brought
his firstborn into the world
and said to the babe
in the manger,

“You are my son; this day I have begotten you.”

O Lord, let us listen,
help us hear.

Anne Osdieck
Art by Martin Erspamer, OSB
from Religious Clip Art for the Liturgical Year (A, B, and C). This art may be reproduced only by parishes who purchase the collection in book or CD-ROM form. For more information go