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Ideas for General Intercessions

These ideas are designed to be starting points for the prayers of a particular community of faith.

Joe Milner

For the Church: that, through our words and deeds, we may be a Light to those who are searching for direction and a sign of hope for those seeking to begin again

For a deeper awareness of the signs along our spiritual journey: that we learn from the people and experiences in our lives how to recognize God’s presence and invitations

For God’s blessing on the New Year: that God will fill the coming days with health of body, mind, and spirit; renew the gifts of the Spirit within us, and inspire us with new ways to share the Good News with others

For greater trust: that, like the Wise Men, God’s Light may guide us through the unknown of the coming days as we rely more deeply on God’s love and care for us

For a great utilization of our gifts and talents: that like the magi, we may offer all our gifts to God and use them in the service of God’s reign

For a spirit of wonder: that our hearts may be filled with joy as we recognize God’s many gifts to us in our faith, our relationships, and our opportunities

For catechumens and candidates: that their search for Christ and a Christian Community may lead them to an ever-deepening experience of Emmanuel

For a renewal of prayer in our lives: that we may make time for God each day of this year and be attentive to God’s invitations and promptings in our hearts

For greater unity and cooperation within the human family: that God will heal the wounds of racial bias, open hearts to the talents of every person, and help us work together against violence, drug abuse, and poverty

For all recovering from natural disasters: that God will guide them through the challenges that they face, renew their spirits, and open the hearts of many to assist and encourage them

For those bound by fear: that God will free their spirits, help them to trust God's providence, and open a vision of the future for them

For members of the administration and Congress: that God will give them a clear understanding of the issues before them and wisdom to effectively address them for the common good

For the people of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and all the Holy Land: that God will ease their burdens, open opportunities, and establish justice for them

For all who are ill: that God restore the sick, protect the human family from the Covid virus, and give strength to all healthcare workers

For all who have died: that the Light of God’s love may lead them into the joy of God’s presence forever