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Spiritual Reflections on Sunday's Readings
Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord
January 2, 2022
Spirituality of the Readings

John Foley, SJ


What seems like a sincere question strikes terror into the Herod heart. So he maintains his diplomatic balance.

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In Exile

Ron Rolheiser

The Power of Powerless-ness

The powerlessness of a baby touches us at a deeper moral place.

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Glancing Thoughts

Eleonore Stump

Who knew?

It isn’t powerlessness or poverty that keeps a person from knowing the birth of the Messiah.

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The Perspective of Justice

Gerald Darring

Reading the Signs

Those who accept only the rich and powerful are being unfaithful to the God who shall have pity for the lowly and the poor.

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Discussion Questions

Anne Osdieck


Paul spoke of a mystery that brightened the whole world. What was it? Why was the star an integral part of the story?

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A Poem to
Sit With

J Janda

the unicorn

why must he be hunted and slain

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