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Immaculate Conception
Traverse City, Michigan

Sean E. Whelan, Director of Music Ministries

Easter Vgil Readings
Easter Vigil
April 20, 2019

Psalm 104: “Send Forth Your Spirit, O Lord,” Steven C. Warner

Psalm 16: “You Are My Inheritance,” Marty Haugen

Exodus Reading for the Great Vigil: Rory Cooney

Exodus Canticle: “Song of Miriam,” John Flaherty

Psalm 30: “I Will Praise You Lord,” Psallite

Isaiah 12 Canticle: “Cry Out With Joy And Gladness,” Psallite 

Psalm 19: “Lord, You Have The Words,” Marty Haugen

Psalm 42: “Like A Deer,” Paul Tate

Glory to GodMass of Saint Ann, Ed Bolduc

Psalm 118: “Festival Alleluia,” James Chepponis

Litany of the Saints: ICEL Chant

Baptismal Acclamation: “You Have Put On Christ,” Chrysogonus Waddel

Rite of Sprinkling: “I Saw Water,” Leo Nestor

Preparation of Gifts: “Alleluia! All The Ages!” Monica Bonasso

Eucharistic Prayer AcclamationsNo Greater Love Mass, Michael Joncas

Lamb of GodMass of Glory, Bob Hurd

Communion: “Take and Eat,” Michael Joncas

Song for the Journey: “Jesus Christ is Risen Today,” arr. Cynthia Dobrinski

Art by Martin Erspamer, OSB
from Religious Clip Art for the Liturgical Year (A, B, and C). This art may be reproduced only by parishes who purchase the collection in book or CD-ROM form. For more information go
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