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Spiritual Reflections on Sunday's Readings
Preparations for April 9 to April 12, 2020
Spirituality of the Readings

John Foley, SJ

Holy Thursday/ Good Friday

The entire relation of human beings to God is one of receiving love and giving it back, no matter what the cost.


Even though Christ’s death has taken their sin away, is it right to rejoice about sin?

In Exile

Ron Rolheiser

Holy Thursday

Jesus tells us that the Eucharist is the new manna, the new bread from heaven, the new way that God gives us daily sustenance.

Good Friday

We have our own Good Fridays and they are not unconnected to what happened on Calvary two thousand years ago.


The task of Easter is to rekindle the creed within ourselves.

Glancing Thoughts

Eleonore Stump

Holy Thursday

Within every human being, there is slavery to the evil that kills beauty and joy.

Good Friday

In her heartbrokenness over not being able to anoint the body of Jesus, Mary Magdalene brushed off even angels.


At Easter we celebrate the other kind of joy, the kind each of us longs for, when every tear is wiped away and there is no sorrow anymore


Gillick, SJ


We pray for the grace of Easter joy. It is given so that we might find peace in being found and sent to untomb others by the One who was untombed.

more …

The Perspective of Justice

Gerald Darring

Holy Thursday

When Jesus encountered poverty, hunger, discrimination, and suffering, he didn’t turn away

Good Friday

We consider this day “good” as we celebrate “the triumphant death and resurrection of Christ.”


Suffering will be vindicated; death will be overcome; a new life will arise: that is the Easter message of the paschal mystery.

Discussion Questions

Anne Osdieck

Holy Thursday

What are some ways you can “wash your neighbors’ feet”? Are there degrees of service to your neighbor?

Good Friday

For what do you thirst?

Easter Vigil/

Peter bore witness in a different manner after the Resurrection than he did before Christ died. To what do you attribute this?

A Poem to Sit With

J. Janda

Holy Thursday

be still, be silent
I understand you

Good Friday

each step
oneself is
own fool


Gold onion domes rise

above the snow

in Kiev

above the leafless
