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Spiritual Reflections on Sunday's Readings
Twenty-Fifth Sunday
of Ordinary Time
September 23, 2018
Spirituality of the Readings

John Foley, SJ

Take Care of the Little Ones

Jesus says that the Son of God will be condemned to shaming torture and will be killed, as the First Reading states explicitly. It will look exactly as if God does not care and will not intervene.

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In Exile

Ron Rolheiser

The Struggle To Love Our Neighbor

How can we profess to be Christians when, if we are honest, we have to admit that we are not measuring up to the litmus-test of Christian discipleship, namely, loving and forgiving our enemies?

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Glancing Thoughts

Eleonore Stump

Trying to Be First

As the parable about the talents shows, each person is called to strive for greatness by accepting the gifts God gives him and using them to the full.

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The Perspective of Justice

Gerald Darring

The Law of Love

There is a direct line from love through justice to peace. The recognition of this line constitutes the essence of wisdom.

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Discussion Questions

Anne Osdieck

Beginning with the Smallest

Jesus tells the disciples that they should be servants of all, in order to rank first. To whom would you be a servant if you could?

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A Poem to
Sit With

The Remembrance

J Janda

“Be still,
be silent
I understand you”
he said

while cupping a flower

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